509 – Peoples of Oaxaca and the arrival of Holy WeekThe state of Oaxaca is home to more than sixty different ethnic groups. We visit several of them. The Coastal Mixtecs, whose textiles and masks set them apart from other groups, invite us to join them during Holy Week, when they enact ceremonies that set them off from other peoples. |
507 – Chesapeake Bay: Of Clams and OystersIt is the largest bay on the Atlantic coast of the Americas, pivotal in the history of prehistoric, historic, and contemporary United States. Its tributaries drain a gigantic portion of the eastern U.S., including the Potomac River, home to Washington, D.C. Its fisheries have been depleted, its oyster and clam… |
505 – The Mata Atlantica: Brazil’s Other RainforestOne of the world’s most diverse forests, the Mata Atlantica once covered Brazil’s southeastern coast for over a thousand miles and still blankets the steep hills of Río de Janeiro. Now less than ten percent remains, much of it in protected parks. Within the Mata, runaway slaves established their villages,… |
504 – Brazil’s Pernambuco: The Forgotten Interior504 – Unlike much of Brazil, the interior of the northeastern state of Pernambuco is an arid semi-desert. Away from the great Río San Francisco, the countryside is called the sertão, an often drought-stricken scrubland. The inhabitants have fashioned their own culture and history, and still commemorate their fabled bandit-hero,… |