Lesson 1108: Krahó: Enduring People of Brazil’s Plateau

The Krahó people of Brazil’s plateau country survive on their traditional lands where they maintain their culture and their ancient ways in the nation’s largest Indian reservation.

Learning Objective

Students will learn about the Krahó, indigenous people of Brazil, and how they survive and maintain their culture in the nation’s largest Indian reservation.

Social Studies Standards

Global Connections: A, F

Discussion Prompts

  • The villages where the Krahó people live have a central plaza in the form of a wheel symbolizing their hold on the world in the center of their universe. Talk with your peers about other peoples of the world who live in an area shaped in a way that reflects their place in this universe.
  • The Krahó’s reservation is the size of Rhode Island state. Compare this reservation with Rhode Island, including similarities and differences, functionalism, symbolism, cultural identity, etc.
  • Log running is one tradition shared in the video that is a training ritual for young people. What training rituals are there among the cultures you know? Discuss the importance of such rituals.
  • What are some of the elements of the Krahó people that they feel are important to pass on to other generations. Discuss 3 to 4 elements and why they were impressive.

Lesson Activities

  • Role-play the In the Americas journalists preparing to meet the Krahó people. As a class, defines the roles of each member of the small crew (host, videographer, audio, interpreter). Create a list of what they need to learn, prepare, and complete prior to the encounter. Compare lists and come up with a final list.
  • What knowledge do the Krahó people pass on to younger generations? Write an expository essay that will help the reader understand their knowledge and culture.
  • Conduct group or independent research about a specific Krahó tradition and create a multimedia presentation. Include visuals, storytelling, songs, and video clips if possible.
  • Explore challenges the Krahó face regarding land, cultural, and environmental issues. Is it sustainable? Host a classroom debate to discuss how these challenges can be addressed.


  • adamant
  • ample
  • biome
  • conservationist
  • cosmology
  • ecosystem
  • equilibrium
  • low forest
  • plateau
  • cerrado


In the Americas Season 11 Lesson Episode 8
